Thursday, March 1, 2007

Last night on the CBS' Late Show With David Letterman, John McCain announced he is entering the 2008 presidential race. McCain then did a segment called "Stupid Candidate Tricks", in which he supported the troop surge in Iraq.

YouTube has announced that Presidential candidates will be posting videos on YouTube to communicate their stand on the issues. Hillary Clinton has already called the screen name, “lonelycandidate15”.

A new report shows China's population grew by almost 7 million people last year- and that’s even before they checked the dumpsters.

Lawmakers in Ohio want convicted sex offenders to have special license plates. This seems to be getting more traction than the earlier plan to make them more identifiable by forcing them all to drive ice cream trucks.

A woman in a town near Naples was suprised when she found a World War II hand grenade in a sack of potatoes she bought at the local market. The woman was even more surprised when one brave potato threw itself upon the grenade to save dinner.


Anonymous said...

Absolutely love your jokes. Every time I check there's always one or two great ones that I wish I could have seen performed on stage, with the gale-force comedy slapping me in the face. Favorite of the day has to be the Chinese/dumpster crack (what can I say, I like edgy). I'm officially promoting your site from bookmark to homepage.

Here's hoping you decide to keep up the good work for a good, long time.

Josh Comers said...

Hey, thanks for the encouraging words and the extra pressure to produce that will eventually crush me. Seriously, thanks for reading.

Anonymous said...

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