Monday, June 18, 2007

Bob Barker has endorsed Rosie O'Donnell as a possible successor on "The Price Is Right". Barker says he’s looking for a replacement that would encourage dogs to neuter themselves.

A toddler who was served a margarita at an Applebee's last week is said to be doing well. The four people he hit driving his tricycle home, however, are still in critical condition.

A prescription pill bottle belonging to Elvis Presley was auctioned off for $2,640. Sources say Rush Limbaugh demanded his money back after discovering the bottle was empty.

Iraq is the world's second most unstable country, according to a recent survey. According to a recent President Bush, it’s Candy Land.

Duke University has reached an undisclosed financial settlement with three former lacrosse players falsely accused of raping a stripper. Adding insult to injury, the settlement will be paid out in singles.


Jim Ector said...

That's pretty funny stuff but then again,I listented to a tape today where you said I was an easy laugh,so what the hell do I know.By the way Benito Santiago,Mr.Kohlhas,and Johnny Shu Shu Shu Shu said hello.

Josh Comers said...

Jim Ector? Lead vocalist for Daddy's Nightmare? I just watched your Behind the Music.

Sex, drugs and 87' fleer wax packs.

Total bad asses.

Jim Ector said...

Yeah,I think our downfall was a combination of Scotch Guard and Absynthe and an addiction to 87 Donruss.Well,that and when our drummer Boychick left to reunite with Catnip.However,we just opened for D'molls and Zodiac Mindwarp at the baseball field behind Sharp school,so I think we are on our way back up.

Josh Comers said...

If we're getting the band back together, you'll need to email me, if you still have my yahoo address.

This is making sense to two people.

Jim Ector said...

I don't have your yahoo address anymore.Mine is Everyone else just reads this and thinks we(or maybe just me)are morons.

Josh Comers said...

Don't worry. No one reads this.

Anonymous said...

I read it!

Jim Ector said...

...and you probably think we are idiots.

Anonymous said...

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