Naomi Campbell was sentenced to 200 hours of community service for her "air rage" incident at Heathrow Airport. $20 says a homeless man gets a ladle of scolding hot soup in his face before that 200 hours is up.
Over 33,000 people took their lives in Japan last year, despite a government campaign to reduce the number of suicides. Then again, the campaign’s slogan was, “Don’t disgrace your family, you disgrace to your family.”
U.S. lawmakers are trying to pass legislation to remove former South African President Nelson Mandela from a U.S. list of terrorists by his 90th birthday. In addition, President Bush has pledged to not get him, dead or alive.
Martha Stewart has been refused a visa to Britain because of her criminal convictions. Nice Brits! God forbid any decent recipes should sneak into the country.
The Census Bureau has projected the world's population will be 7 billion in 2012. Fine…7 billion and 1, Senator McCain!
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