Wednesday, March 21, 2007

A new dating site called makes prospective members submit pictures to qualify for membership- perfect for those hopeless romantics who don’t want to wait until the first date to feel the sting of rejection.

Britney Spears has been released from rehab. Spears said her stay in rehab allowed her to reflect on what’s really important to her in life, whatshisname and whoseherface.

Lisa Nowak, the former astronaut fired by NASA after trying to kidnap a romantic rival has a new job developing flight lesson plans for the Navy. So far, every lesson plan involves flying into the living room of that cheap hussie he left you for.

It’s been announced that Paul McCartney is the first artist signed to Starbucks’ new record label. Dunkin’ Donuts is still in talks with Ringo.

In a recent speech, John McCain warned against the spread of socialism. Then he announced his candidacy for the 1954 presidential election.


Anonymous said...

I don't think hot girls need to be on sites like this to get dates. Perhaps vanity is some factor. Not sure this really is a major appeal for hot women. I believe is more of a draw than this site for hot women

Anonymous said...

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