Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Saddam Hussein's former Vice President was hanged for crimes against humanity earlier today. You know you’re irreverent in Iraqi politics when your hanging doesn’t even make YouTube.

After Dark Films is pulling advertisements for its movie "Captivity" featuring images of the abduction, torture and death of a young woman. Unfortunately, the studio is replacing its controversial movie ads with something even more offensive; ads for the movie “Norbit”.

By midseason, the San Francisco Giants' AT&T Park will be the first Major League park to use solar power. Upon hearing this, Barry Bonds asked how he can get some for himself and where does it gets injected.

A new study shows that cosmetic procedures are on the rise. Then you look at Rosie O’Donnell, and you think, not nearly enough.

Today was the unveiling of the Grand Canyon Skywalk, a walkway that lets visitors look straight down to the canyon floor. Next week, the Skywalk will open to the public, and for $80 you can see how many overweight tourists it'll take to break a glass floor suspended over a 4000 foot ditch.


Anonymous said...

"Next week, the Skywalk will open to the public, and for $80 you can see how many overweight tourists it'll take to break a glass floor suspended over a 4000 foot ditch."

Utterly priceless.

Anonymous said...

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