Monday, April 2, 2007

Los Angeles is going through its longest dry spell in at least 130 years.
It’s so dry in LA, Kevin Costner’s WaterWorld 2 just got green lit.

Iranian state radio has reported that all 15 British sailors and marines being held captive have confessed to illegally staging the Holocaust.

An Iraqi singer won the Arab version of "American Idol", receiving a whopping 7 million votes. When hearing this, Arab leaders everywhere asked, “Wait- you can get that many votes without calling for the destruction of Israel?”

U.S. evangelical Christians are embarking on a new campaign to end modern slavery around the world, unless, of course, that slavery is to the dogma of evangelicalism.

In a recent speech, potential presidential candidate Newt Gingrich equated Spanish with "the language of living in a ghetto". Great way to lose an election and your hubcaps.