A 3-year-old boy took first place in a Minnesota mullet contest. In his acceptance speech, the boy made sure to thank his parents for being dicks.
David Blaine broke the world record holding his breath on The Oprah Winfrey show yesterday, lasting 17 minutes and 4 seconds. Then, later on in the show, Dr. Phil came out and held his bullshit for 2 minutes, a personal best.
On hand in a rare audience appearance was Steadman Graham, Oprah’s boyfriend and the previous holder of the record.
Islanders from Lesbos have taken a gay rights group to court for using the word lesbian in its name, saying it insults the identity of the people of Lesbos, also known as Lesbians. Wait- The Lesbos vs. The Lesbians? HOT!
Seriously, why can’t this be settled over bowling and shots of Tequila like most lesbian wars?*
(*author knows nothing about how actual lesbian warfare is conducted)
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