President Bush spoke at the Republican convention tonight via satellite. The Republicans were able to keep Bush from appearing live after convincing him the camera adds 10 approval-rating points.
The Republican convention began one day later than its scheduled start. As Bristol Palin says, better late than never.
Levi Johnston, the boyfriend of Sarah Palin's unwed, pregnant daughter Bristol, will be joining the family of the Alaska Governor at the GOP convention this week. He’ll be the one seated in the ‘no-choice’ section.
On his MySpace Page, the baby’s father describes himself as “a f***ing redneck'”, adding, 'Ya f *** with me I'll kick [your] ass”. Hey, at this point, the Palin family is just relieved to know he’s a republican.
Don LaFontaine, the voice of thousands of movie trailers, has died. This is one funeral…YOU…DON’T…WANT…TO…MISS.
Coming this fall.
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