A man flew his lawn chair rigged with helium-filled balloons more than 200 miles across the Oregon desert on Saturday. Bye-bye dependency on foreign oil...
NBC Universal and two partners have reached a deal to buy The Weather Channel for $3.5 billion in cash. You fucked up one too many times, Roker.
President Bush defended his decision to attend the opening ceremony of the Olympics in Beijing next month, saying that to boycott the event "would be an affront to the Chinese people", adding, “and you don’t want to piss off the people that write our fortunes.”
Convicted French serial killer Charles Sobhraj, sentenced to life in prison for over 20 murders, is engaged and plans to marry a woman 44 years younger than he is. The couple is registered at Bed, Bath and Bludgeon. Thank you. Thank you very much.
Rockers Bon Jovi will play a free concert in Central Park on July 12… tunnel traffic permitting.
Blood Bath and Beyond.
You're welcome.
You're hired!
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