Scientists at Hebrew University in Jerusalem have found a way to enhance the fragrance of some flowers by a factor of 10. Great news for flowers that smell like crap.
Police in Florida are searching for a "bra bandit," who they say stole 160 bras from a Victoria's Secret store. Most likely, just the work of another hard luck case with a couple of boobs at home to support.
On Sunday, Pope Benedict helped launch a week-long Bible-reading marathon on Italian television. The marathon, however, does face some stiff competition from anything else on TV that isn’t a Bible-reading marathon.
A new study shows that high-powered energy drinks, such as Red Bull, have so much caffeine in them that the government should put warning labels on the cans, -warnings such as: “hey dude- you’re about to become 10 times more obnoxious.”
A new clothing boutique in Mexico City has opened that sells bullet-proof clothing- and just in time for “back to drug war season”!
A farmer from Canada has won a contest in California with a pumpkin that weighs more than 1500 pounds. The pumpkin is also expected to be a shoe-in to win next week’s “Most Ominous Jack-O-Lantern” contest.
An investigation by students at the University of Connecticut found that 8500 dead people remained registered to vote in the state, and about 300 of them appeared to have voted since death. So basically, when told to “vote or die”, you can choose both.
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