At the U.N. Assembly in New York this week, Sarah Palin got a chance to sit down and chat with former Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger. This meeting was particular exciting for Palin, as she was a huge Kiss fan in the 70s.
FBI agents raided the home of a University of Tennessee student who allegedly hacked into Sarah Palin's Yahoo e-mail account. The student was able to penetrate Palin’s email by dodging all questions posed by Yahoo’s password security and just charming his way in.
In his final speech before the UN General Assembly, President Bush urged the organization to do more to prevent terrorism "instead of only passing resolutions". Out of spite, the assembly immediately passed a resolution to do more than just to pass resolutions.
New York City police say they arrested more than a dozen people for stealing pieces of Yankee Stadium during the 85-year-old ballpark's final game, with Joey Landorff of 158th Street leading the thieves in stolen bases.
It was reported this week that a leading Saudi Arabian cleric has put out a fatwa on Mickey Mouse, declaring him an agent of Satan. You don’t even want to hear what he has to say about Mickey’s accountant, Moshe Mouse.
In this week's issue of People magazine, Clay Aiken confirmed what we’ve known for a long time: when he finally came out, it was not going to be on the cover of “Guns and Ammo”.
Last weekend, nearly 300 tow trucks participated in a parade through New York in an attempt to break the record for the world's largest tow truck parade. In a rare show of support, the tow trucks were joined by nearly 300 illegally parked cars.
This week, David Blain hung upside-down in New York’s Central Park for 60 hours, breaking his own record for most desperate way to get your attention.
The University of California is suing about 20 protesters each for up to 10,000 dollars for their sit-in in a tree that lasted 22 months. Said protesters: “good thing we saved all that money we earned while we were living in a tree for the past 22 months!”
Officials at the CIA, the FBI and the National Security Agency are encouraging their staff members to use A-Space, a new social networking site designed for the spying community. The good news is, our spy agencies are finally sharing information; the bad news is, it’s about what their favorite movie quotes are.
A woman in Idaho named Jolee Bacon won first place at the County Fair hog calling competition, though most people felt her sister, Jolene Bacon was just as good.
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